Saturday, January 07, 2006

Some literature

Aksnes, Hallgjerd (2001): Music and Its Resonating Body. Dansk Årbog for Musikforskning, vol. XXIX, s. 81-101.

Cook, Nicholas (1990): Music, Imagination and Culture, Oxford University Press.

Johnson, Mark (1997-98): Embodied Musical Meaning, Theory and Practice 22-23.

Kühl, Ole (2003): Improvisation og tanke. København, Basilisk.

Lakoff, George & Johnson, Mark (1980): Metaphors We Live By. Chicago, The University of Chicago Press.

Michelsen, Morten (1997): Sprog og lyd i analysen af rockmusik. Ph.d.-projekt, Københavns Universitet.

Meyer, Leonard B. (1956): Emotion and Meaning in Music. Chicago, The University of Chicago Press.

Rosch, Eleanor (1975): Universals and Cultural Specifics in Human Categorization. Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Learning 177-206, Sage Publications, Inc.

Scruton, Roger (1997): The Aesthetics of Music, Clarendon Press

Turner, Mark & Fauconnier, Gilles (2002): The Way We Think, Basic Books.

Zbikowski, Lawrence M. (1997-1998): Des Herzraums Abschied: Mark Johnson's Theory of Embodied Knowledge and Music Theory. Theory and Practice 22-23.

Zbikowski, Lawrence M. (2002): Conceptualizing Music Cognitive Structure, Theory, and Analysis, Oxford University Press.


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